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Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures The history of Burroughs is a history of mergers and acquisitions. In the
early part of the 20th century, the competition in the adding machine industry
was intense. New inventions were everywhere and companies sprang into existence
to market the products. The following is a list of the mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures that
marked the history of Burroughs. Burroughs literally owes its marketplace
success to this activity. The following list is being compiled over time,
please return to this page later for additional entries. Company | Location | Date | Acme Carbon and Ribbon Company, Ltd. | Toronto, Canada | Acquired in
1949 | Burroughs Adding and Registering Company, Ltd., | Nottingham,
England | Acquired in 1908 | Charles Hadley Company | ? | Acquired in 1956 | Control Instrument Company | New York, NY | Acquired in 1951 | Convergent Technologies | Santa Clara, CA | Acquired in 1988 | ElectroData
Company | Pasadena, CA | Acquired in 1956 | Graphic Sciences,
Inc. | Danbury, CT | Acquired in 1975 | Graftek | Graphics Technology Corp. | Acquired in 1984 | Haydu Brothers | Plainfield,
NJ | Acquired in 1954 | Joseph Cogan, Associates | | Acquired in 1984 | Memorex Corporation | Santa Clara, CA | Acquired in 1981 | Midwest Systems Group | | Acquired in 1982 | Mittag &
Volger, Inc. | Park Ridge, NJ | Acquired in 1949 | Moon Hopkins
Billing Machine Company | | Acquired in 1921 | Paramax | Canada | Acquired in 1986 | Pike Adding Machine Company | | Acquired in 1909 | Redactron Corporation | New York | Acquired in 1976 | Sperry | Blue Bell, PA | Acquired in 1986 | System Development Corporation | Camarillo, CA | Acquired in 1980 | Systems Research, Inc (SRI) | San Jose, CA | Acquired in 1981 | Timplex | | Acquired in 1988 | Todd
Company | Rochester, NY | Acquired in 1955 | Universal Adding Machine Company | | Acquired in 1908 | |