Beautiful Machines People have Shared
Mark Alt shared this picture of the Class 1, Model 9 that he restored. Serial number 119659 was built at the main Burroughs plant in the 1908-1909 timeframe. The LED's placed inside the machine help to show off the mechanisms inside. That's what the glass sides were all about! Mark has also created a display (plexiglass) table to replace the missing wood check table, to show off information about Burroughs machines of the time. Beautiful work.
Matt Doyle shared these pictures of the Class 1, Model 9, Serial 146817 (built at the main Burroughs plant in Detroit around 1910) that he restored. Notice the clean metal of the carraige parts and the bright green keyboard felt. Matt's Great Grandfather, George Henrich, was the third salesman for the American Arithmometer Company. Follow this link to read more about Mr. Henrich.
Rick was kind enough to provide some pictures of his very old Class 3 "visible" adding machine. The machine was built in Detroit, MI in 1912. Serial number 219772. Besides being in exceptional condition for a very old Class 3, this machine has a wide carraige for bookkeeping use, and a stand and beautiful wooden table to make it generally available to office employees.
Indications of the early vintage include the red column release keys and the old style Burroughs logo.
Indications of the early vintage include the red column release keys and the old style Burroughs logo.
This beautiful machine, belonging to Richard Schwartz, is a Class 4 adding machine. Class 4 machines are a bit hard to find, and to have one in this condition is very special. Thanks for sharing Richard. Some Class 4 machines were configured as simple adding machines, like this one. Others included wide carraiges and multiplication capability, which was a first for Burroughs machines.

This phot of a beautiful Class 6 Bookkeeping machine was provided by Jaap Goslings in The Netherlands. "It comes from the Fair of Berlage in Amsterdam. Worlds first stockmarket place."
This is a beautiful, and very early, Burroughs Registering Accountant high-keyboard adding machine. It was built in Nottingham, England at the Burroughs Adding and Registering Machine Company in about 1898. It has a very early serial number. The American Arithmometer Company opened the Nottingham plant well before the Burroughs Adding Machine Company came into existence.
The pictures below show a beautiful Class 1, Model (or Style) 3, high-keyboard machine that has been beautifully restored by Warren Auxier. The carriage has been modified from the original wide carriage to a narrow carriage. Built at the main Burroughs plant in Detroit, Mi. in 1906.
Thanks to Warren for sharing pictures of this beautiful machine.
Thanks to Warren for sharing pictures of this beautiful machine.